Hero Health

(2 customer reviews)

$12.00 available on subscription from $12.00 / month

Choose from $12.00 for an individual bottle, $12.00 per month, or $28.80 for auto delivery every 3 months. Click Subscribe to choose your plan!


  • Daily Use: Add one tablespoon (cap full) to your dog’s water bowl.
  • 30+ servings per bottle: Use daily for maximum effectiveness.
  • Perfect for all dog sizes: Small, medium, and large.
  • Benefits:
    • Promotes a strong immune system
    • Supports heart, kidney, and liver health
    • Aids in digestion, reducing gas and bloating
    • Enhances joint health
    • Maintains healthy blood sugar and blood pressure
    • Improves skin health
    • Neutralizes free radicals (cancer prevention)
  • 100% Natural Ingredients: Filtered water, proprietary blend of fermented apples, ginger root, honey, and cinnamon.
  • Keep your dog healthier and living longer with Hero Health!

2 reviews for Hero Health

  1. DeDe

    I’ve been using Hero Health Juice from Super Paws Juice for my dogs, Casper and Cowboy, for about seven months, and I’m really impressed! At first, they needed a little time to get used to it, but now they get so excited for their water that they want to lick the just out the bowl before I even add water to it!

    Since starting this juice, I’ve noticed a big difference—no more gas in the house, and their teeth are looking whiter than ever. It’s super easy to give to them every day. Honestly, it’s cheaper and way easier to use than anything else out there. I’m definitely sticking with Hero Health from Super Paws Juice!!

  2. Ashley Ramsey

    I can’t say enough good things about Hero Health by Super Paws Juice! Our dog Cole has struggled with allergies for a while, and since we started adding this to his water, it’s been a game changer. His itching and sneezing have really decreased, and he seems so much more comfortable.

    We were worried it might make him drink more and have to pee constantly, but that hasn’t been the case at all. His bathroom habits are totally normal.

    Overall, we’re thrilled with the results and highly recommend it to anyone dealing with a pup’s allergies. It’s been a simple and effective solution for us!

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